When I first started spending a lot of time in a shell, I remember often getting a sinking feeling when a command I needed had just fallen off the history
stack. Sure, you can adjust the number of entries stored in your bash history, but that didn't seem good enough.
So I wrote a utility called hist. It allows me to do some things that are not possible with the standard builtin as well as some things that are not otherwise easy or straightforward:
- retain my history forever and aggregate it across computers
- immediately see commands that were executed in other terminal sessions.
- retain with each history entry information including: shell PID, exit code, and pwd at the time of execution.
- query my entire history efficiently using hist -ag $REGEXP, where $REGEXP can include the datetime, shell id, directory of execution or any part of the command
It's simple to add hist to your bash environment:
clone the hist repo:
git clone https://github.com/mkomo/hist.git
put hist in an executable path:
ln -s hist/hist ~/bin/hist
register hist in your bash prompt command:
function mkomoprompt { EXITSTATUS="$?" eval "`hist -r`" } export PROMPT_COMMAND=mkomoprompt
now all of your history will be stored forever in ~/.bash_eternal_history and you can query it at any time with commands like:
# every time you've executed the apt-get command on this machine
hist -ag apt-get
# every time command you've executed in this directory during the current shell session
hist -cg `pwd`
and see results like this:
#pid, date, time, exit status, directory, command
16420 2014-11-23 13:24:04 0 /home/mkomorowski sudo apt-get install compiz-plugins-extra
16420 2014-11-23 13:24:53 130 /home/mkomorowski sudo apt-get install compiz-plugins-extra
11962 2014-11-26 13:00:54 100 /home/mkomorowski sudo apt-get install cvt
11962 2014-12-05 03:36:08 0 /home/mkomorowski sudo apt-get install pepperflashplugin-nonfree
25065 2014-12-07 10:21:15 0 /home/mkomorowski/workspaces sudo apt-get install vlc